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What McMaster thinks about beauty


"I think like society teaches women especially to, try to do everything to prevent aging. I mean, there's so many products on the market that are labeled anti-aging, but I think, especially speaking to my own mother and seeing what aging means to her…it’s just getting wiser. Especially in my culture, aging is actually a good thing. Even gray hair is viewed as beautiful".
“To me, beauty is definitely competence and feeling comfortable expressing yourself."


"Especially growing up with technology, I've grown really scared of aging. I think that as women it's pushed on us to remedy aging somehow. I've become comfortable with aging. I think my mom's beautiful and she's 65 and she looks incredible. So I just I know that it's not something to be scared of but some fear remains. I sometimes think, "what age do I become not beautiful anymore?" 


What McMaster thinks about aging

Older Adult Perspectives 

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